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Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 3, 2024

The Four Incorruptible Generals of the ARVN: “First Thắng, Second Chinh, Third Thanh, Fourth Trưởng”



Vinh-The Lam, MLS

Librarian Emeritus

University of Saskatchewan



            During the 1970s, in South Vietnam, there was a popular saying “Nhứt Thắng, Nhì Chinh, Tam Thanh, Tứ Trưởng = First Thắng, Second Chinh, Third Thanh, Fourth Trưởng,which revealed the admiration of the people toward these four honest and incorruptible generals of the ARVN in a country where the corruption has become something commonplace among the political and military leaders.  

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